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Showing posts from October, 2017

Sitecore media RequestExtension for images and pdfs

On your Sitecore site what is the media file extension you see? If you see .ashx for all your media (images, pdfs) read on. Ideally the IIS application pool for your website should be configured to use Integrated mode instead of classic mode. If that is the case, there is one default Sitecore 8 setting that you should change in your Sitecore.config   FROM: <setting name="Media.RequestExtension" value="ashx"/> TO: <setting name="Media.RequestExtension" value=""/> This configures Sitecore to use the original file extensions rather than .ashx extension. So images would be jpg, gif, png's while pdfs would have the pdf extension. I also notice that Sitecore themselves have this configured on their website, so we should be good making this change. There are multiple benefits to the end user. They know the file types of media like pdfs before clicking on the download link CDN have cache settings that will be honoured

Coveo reindex error: The parameter 'p_Communication' must not be null

I was getting the following error when try to re-index Coveo in a new environment. The parameter 'p_Communication' must not be null This was fixed by setting the Sitecore username/password needed for communication between Coveo and Sitecore. You can do this by going to the Control panel in Sitecore. Under the Coveo search section, click on "Configuration" and then the "Configure" button under the Sitecore Credentials heading. This is not an issue in a lower environment like your local since Coveo uses the default admin b password to authenticate. But this becomes an issue in any higher environment that doesn't use the default admin password. Hope this helps someone else. 

Install MongoDB for Sitecore

Download the MongoDB installer from its website  and follow the installation steps in the wizard. Choose the Windowsx64 from the platforms dropdown. Set Up Mongodb to Run as Windows Service Create data folders for mongodb, e.g.:  c:\mongo\db c:\mongo\log Navigate to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\ Create file mongod.cfg. File content:  systemLog: destination: file path: c:\mongo\log\mongod.log storage: dbPath: c:\mongo\db Open command prompt as administrator Run the following command:  sc.exe create MongoDB binPath= "\"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\mongod.exe\" --service --config=\"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\mongod.cfg\"" DisplayName= "MongoDB" start= "auto" Run command to start service:  net start MongoDB

Setup IIS on local windows machine

IIS is one of the most basic application that a web developer on a windows machine needs. To setup IIS on a windows machine, go to the control panel in windows and following the below steps. Select the check-boxes as shown. Setup IIS on local windows machine

Setup WCF on local windows machine

WCF is one of the most basic application that a developer on a windows machine needs. To setup WCF on a windows machine, go to the Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows Features On or Off. Select all the checkboxes as shown below.