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Sitecore IP Geolocation

 To setup Sitecore IP Geolocation functionality, you must go to the Sitecore Support & Self Service portal and sign up for a subscription. Refer to this Sitecore article  for more info.  After we have subscribed to the Sitecore IP Geolocation functionality to validate it we use the TestIP.aspx page. Check out thie Sitecore support page to get the TestIP.aspx page and upload it to the Sitecore folder on your server. Open the https://hostname/sitecore/TestIp.aspx page Sample Test IP's to test with:  Africa IP : US IP: UK IP: Make sure the response from the TestIP.spx has the correct country for different test IP's. Once this works we know that the Sitecore IP Geolocation functionality is enabled.  How do we use this functionality in our application.  Just use the personalization rules in Sitecore under the "Geo IP" section (see image below) . So you can control what content is shown to a user based on their location.  We
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Updating Sitecore Image alt text

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Local Sitecore 9 install

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Local Install of Solr for Sitecore 9

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There are times when you - Upgrade Sitecore locally - Restore databases in your local Sitecore instance. And you are no longer able to login to the Sitecore admin interface with the default admin username and password b. When this happens you can unlock the Sitecore admin account and reset the password back to b. To do this copy this aspx  file to your Website\sitecore\admin folder (and overwrite existing file) Next make sure your local web.config (in the root Website) folder has the following settings minRequiredPasswordLength="1" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0" Lastly go to the following page And click the Unlock Administrator button. That's it, you can now login to your local Sitecore instance. 6-6-2022 Update:  If you are not able to get to the unlock_admin.aspx page as newer Sitecore versions have a separate identity server, I found the following way to unlock a local a

Using Okta Authentication for a Sitecore client site

I recently had a project where we had to add a new Sitecore site to an already multi site Sitecore 8.2 Update 7 instance. This new site had to integrate with Okta to manage user authentication. I found many articles online that integrated Okta and Sitecore's admin interface but I could not find one that just integrated Okta with a client Sitecore site. My first step was to use Okta's available ASP.NET MVC projects on their Dev site and test them out. This worked very well with the first Authenticated method I tried which was WS-Fed. But when I tried to use the same authentication method with a site in Sitecore I got errors in my logs like the following: Sitecore.Security.Principal.SitecoreIdentity does not contain a definition for Claims Claims are available in HttpContext.User.Identity but not in Sitecore.Security.Principal.SitecoreIdentity, and since we are using a Sitecore site we could not read the claims. I tried to make claims work in Sitecore using various online a